The 8 Lessons that Qing Qing Taught Me

The Chinese version of the book, published in 2008, was originated from a blog of a father who simply wished to share what he learned through the life of his brave little girl- Zeng Qing. Qing was born with a rare disease named Myotubular Mopathy, but demonstrated an excellent material for life education for all.

Kevin Zeng was born in 1974. He studied Geology, Sociology, Surveying Engineering in the top universities of Taiwan, and he has a master degree of religion study. He married Nadine in 1996 and they had three children Zeng Xin, Zeng Qing, and Zeng Yi. Kevin and is a minister of Taiwan International Churches of Christ. He is also one of the ambassadors of Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders and was selected Taiwan's 100 Educators in 2006. After the story of their family was spread out by mass media Kevin was then often invited to give inspiring speech to different churches, schools, and cooperations. His blog which recorded the growth of Zeng Qing had already attracted more than 2 million viewers from all over the world. The name "Zeng Qing" was rated one of the 2007's top searched keywords by Yahoo search engine in Taiwan. They are now living in Hsinchu county in Taiwan.
