Organization Structure

Founders & Board of Directors

Founder / Ms. Serena Wu
Co-Founder / Prof. Min-Chieh Tseng

 Board of Directors
Chairman / Dr. Fuu-Jen Tsai
Managing Director / Prof. Min-Chieh Tseng
Managing Director / Dr. Wuh-Liang Hwu
Director / Mr. Chung-Teh Lee
Director / Mr. Yi-Chun Wu
Director / Dr. Shuan-Pei Lin
Director / Dr. Yuan-Tsong Chen
Director / Ms. Serena Wu
Director / Ms. Yu-Hsin Yang
Director / Ms. Yu-Chen Liu
Director / Mr. Yun-Sung Ku
Supervisor / Mr. Yuan-Cheng Tsai
Supervisor / Mr. Yun-Ping Chen
Supervisor / Dr. Mei-Chin Chao

Full-time Staff

 Executive Director
Ms. Ruth Kuan-Ju Chen

 Deputy Executive Director
Mr. Yung-Hsiang Yang
Ms. Daryl Yu-Tai Hung
Ms. Sheng-Chun Chao

 Taipei Head Office
There are 1 executive director, 3 deputy executive directors, 1 secretary, 7 social workers, 2 genetic counselors, 1 mental health service specialist, 2 medical service specialist, 4 research and planning specialists, 4 public relation specialists, 1 nutritionist, and 8 administrative secretaries.

 Taichung City Branch Office
There are 1 chief director, 2 social workers, and 1 genetic counselor, 1 public relation specialists, 2 administrative secretaries.

 Kaohsiung City Branch Office
There are 1 chief director, 2 social workers, and 1 genetic counselor, 1 public relation specialists, 2 administrative secretaries.

 Rare Welfare Center
There are 1 chief director, 2 social workers, and 1 genetic counselor, 1 public relation specialists, 2 administrative secretaries.

Introduction to Division

enlightenedMedical Service Division
The Medical Service Division is mainly responsible for taking care of the medical needs of patients, including genetic counseling, referring specimen abroad for diagnostic testing, providing disease and orphan drugs information and visiting patients in hospitals. This division is also responsible for the publication of education brochures and the promotion for newborn screening by tandem mass sepctrometry.

enlightenedPatient Service Division
The Patient Service Division consists of social workers, who provide direct service to patients and their families, such as visiting patients, providing financial supports, holding supporting groups and conferences, offering social welfare counseling, running Rare Disease Performance Workshop, and distributing scholarships.

enlightenedResearch and Planning Division
The Research and Planning Division organizes the funding to academic research and thesis, relevant publications including books, foundation magazines, newsletters and leaflets, and maintaining TFRD official website. Also, this division is responsible for gathering official resources, being the advocate for patients' rights and important policy issues, and developing innovative service programs.

enlightenedPublic Relation Division
The Public Relation Division is in charge of getting in touch with the media, fund raising, hosting large-scale activities, interviews, and advocating for advertisements and projects. They are also responsible for public and campus publicity and patient activities, including annual patients’ tours and Rare Disorder Foundation Scholarship Ceremony.

enlightenedAdministration & Management Division
In addition to administrative affairs, the Administration Management Divistion also manages the donations received by the foundation.