TFRD Translation Club

The launch of the English website marks a significant milestone in enhancing TFRD's global communication efforts. Non-Chinese readers can now access up-to-date information on rare diseases in Taiwan and the services offered by TFRD. To further enrich the English website, TFRD established the "Translation Club" in 2018. This club mainly comprises volunteers with rare diseases (RD) who assist in translating new medical knowledge, reports on significant events, and details of international exchanges on TFRD’s website from Chinese into English. The Translation Club not only provides RD patients with valuable practical experience and an opportunity to showcase their talents but also improves their English proficiency and fosters self-fulfillment under the guidance of professional instructors.

At each gathering, teaching assistants or patients are invited to share engaging topics related to translation, such as student exchange experiences, careers in English journalism, and English radio program production, to broaden participants' horizons. During discussions, when encountering a terminology challenge, everyone collaborates by searching for information and brainstorming to ensure accurate translations.

In 2021, the TFRD Translation Club commenced its work with the translation of the picture book "Firefly Story Island," a Chinese book originally published by TFRD. This publication is a distinctive endeavor showcasing the talents of RD patients in drawing, translation, and layout.

"The dedicated teachers and professional teaching assistants in the club have helped me to learn more about English and fulfill my childhood dream of becoming a translator," said Po-Ling, who joined the club since its first year.

David, who suffers from Becker Muscular Dystrophy, was formerly an English teacher. As his condition worsens, he faces challenges in speaking and is no longer able to teach, but he retains his ability to type using an on-screen keyboard. Inspired by the Translation Club, he has taken up translating books and remains involved in translating content for TFRD's website into English.

Giancarlo, a fellow Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patient, even realized:We don't just translate Chinese into English. We give voice for those who are unable to speak due to their rare diseases. Those special characters in the book represent a minority. Then the work we do is unique. That's why I believe this group is so special and I'm very proud to be part of it.”